Hormonal (excess male hormone DHT) and genetics has long been theorized to be common causes of hair loss. Other causes including stress, nutrition, pregnancy (telogen effluvium), traction alopecia, hair overtreatment, trichtillomania and alopecia.
If excess male hormone cause hair loss, why does hair loss  tend to occur in 40’s when male hormone DHT level have declined?  Furthermore, hair loss are found in woman with normal level of DHT level.  Perhaps there are other more significant contributing factors.
Excess sebum and warmer temperature of scalp provides ideal breeding ground and food for fungi (Malassezia yeast),mites (Demodes folliculorum) and bacteria to infect scalp. This overgrowth leads to inflammation and eventual shrinkage of hair follicle leading ending in  hair loss.
In addition, Malassezia can stimulate immune  allergic-like response by inducing release of arachadonic acid from digestion of scalp sebum.  This lead to cascade of inflammatory factors to miniaturization of hair follicles and constriction of scalp vasculature.
Individuals who are susceptible to Malassezia tend to have dandruff starting around puberty.  Excess sebum continues the Malassezia infection, which lead to inflammation and allergic reaction leading to baldness.
After years of inflammation between epidermal and dermal layers, the hair follicle is damaged and sheds.  Research has demonstrated that scalps with dandruff show loss of 100-300 hairs where as scalp lacking dandruff loss 50-100 hairs.
Curiously, hair loss from overgrowth of fungus is also seen in certain species of dogs that are predisposed to fungal infection. Purebred West Highland White Terrier (Westie), Maltese, German Shepherds, Basset Hounds, Cocker Spaniels, English Setters and Shi Tzus are all susceptible and lead to hair loss in affected areas.
Current antifungal topical products temporarily control fungal growth on scalp.  Growth recurs within one week because excess oil production continues.  Effective approach involves addressing root of the issue: excess oil production ,control fungal overgrowth and reduce inflammation.  Because our immune system weakens with aging, scientist have note the incidence of parasite mite infection D. Folliculorum increase with age.  25% of people are infected at age 20, 30% at age 50 and 50% by age 80.   Thus hair loss regimen should include high anti-oxidant properties to help boost immunity.
Current antifungal Shampoos contain many synthetic ingredients.  One common ingredient  Ketoconazole cannot be used regularly because of potential side effect on liver and decrease libido.  Other over the counter antifungal medication Climbazole and miconazole can cause potential skin irritation.  Thus natural, drug free alternative  yet effective regimen would be a logical alternative.
Hair Loss Treatment
At  MDÆ  we believes every product needs  to solve a problem.  By thinking outside the box, MDÆ creates solution based products to be simple yet work fast and effective.  Because current status quo did not address all the issues affecting scalp irritation and hair loss, MD Scalp Essential was developed.  By utilizing nature inspired ingredients almond mandelic acid and lilac, it  address majority of causes of scalp and hair loss:  excess sebum, irritation, aging, fungal overgrowth and hormonal issues.  After direct application and message on to affected region, user will feel instant reduction of irritation. Continue usage leaves scalp feeling  decongested and healthy to maintain head of full beautiful hair.Â