Why Sleep Is So Important for Weight Loss
Why Sleep Is So Important for Weight Loss Studies show that when deprived of adequate sleep and this can have a big impact on your weight. 1)Increase in Appetite: When sleep deprived, your body produces more of the hormone cortisol. This is one of the hormones that control appetite. More cortisol in your system, the hungrier […]
Why Eating Too Little Can Stall Weight Loss
Why Eating Too Little Can Stall Weight Loss If you ask most people how they would recommend losing weight in the most basic form, they will usually answer “Eat less, exercise more”. Generally, they are right. The simplest way to lose weight is to burn more calories during the day than you are taking in […]
Holiday Weight Loss Secrets Revealed
Holiday Weight Loss Secrets Revealed The holidays are a time to enjoy the company of close loved ones. People travel for miles to visit, reminisce and share a memorable meal with one another. Unfortunately, this time can also be stressful for those who are trying to lose weight. If that is you, do not […]
Do Men and Women Need Different Diet When Weight Training?
Do Men and Women Need Different Diet When Weight Training? Should Different Diet matter for weight management? Men and women generally train in the same way when it comes to strength training. If you think about it, how many different ways are there to lift weights? Not many. So if men and women strength training […]
2015 Fitness Goals: Endurance, Strength, Weightloss
2015 Fitness Goals: Endurance, Strength, Weightloss Many factors will come into play when setting your 2015 fitness goals. First and foremost, what are your goals? Do you want more endurance? Increase your strength? Lose a few pounds? Maybe you want to achieve all three. Either way, for each will have to take a different approach. […]
10 Things That Happen to Your Body if You Never Exercise
10 Things That Happen to Your Body if You Never Exercise Regular physical activity can deliver plenty of rewards. You feel better and look better, improve your heart health, and your mental functioning receives a boost as well. Those few benefits are just the tip of the iceberg where the advantages of exercise are concerned. […]
Beware of Liquid Calories to Avoid Weight Gain
Beware of Liquid Calories to Avoid Weight Gain One way lose weight is to drink liquids. Liquids deliver fewer calories and carbohydrates than solid foods. Unfortunately, some “innocent” beverages can cause serious fat and weight gain because of hidden ingredients. Fluid calories don’t suppress hunger.You may end up consuming more calories without realizing it.Keep these […]
Why Can Lack of Sleep Lead to Weight Gain?
Why Can Lack of Sleep Lead to Weight Gain? When sleep deprived, the body’s metabolism system doesn’t work right, so it is not burning calories as efficiently as it could. Research has shown the issue seems to come from a change in glucose tolerance or the body’s ability to turn food into glucose and get […]
How to buy HCG injections online
How to buy HCG injections online In the recent past, the HCG injections have emerged as the wonder drug for weight loss and the craze has helped all sorts of people to get into the trade of selling hCG injections. The increased demands have even encouraged others to sell anything under the name of hCG. […]
One Thing that the Government Got It Wrong About Obesity
One Thing that the Government Got It Wrong About Obesity Do you think that the reason behind obesity is eating too much with less exercise? The government claims that the reason why people are getting fat is they eat too much and don’t exercise. But according to one expert, this is not the real cause […]