One Thing that the Government Got It Wrong About Obesity
One Thing that the Government Got It Wrong About Obesity Do you think that the reason behind obesity is eating too much with less exercise? The government claims that the reason why people are getting fat is they eat too much and don’t exercise. But according to one expert, this is not the real cause […]
The Link Between Gardening and Fitness
The Link Between Gardening and Fitness A recent study of participants mostly in their 40s who gardened in a community plot for at least a year had a lower Body Mass Index (BMI) than those who did not; lower by 1.8 points for women and 2.4 points for men. Put into pounds, that amounts to […]
A Fun Way to Lose Weight and Stay In Shape
A Fun Way to Lose Weight and Stay In Shape Ballroom dancing or any type of couples dancing burns 200 to 300 calories per hour! That’s the same as a fast walk, but it can be a lot more fun. Other benefits are improving posture and giving you a whole-body workout. Don’t know how to […]
Why Fitness is About More Than What You Weigh
Why Fitness is About More Than What You Weigh Your weight is just a number on a scale – and most likely an inaccurate one at that. Yet some people sess over that number like it was a matter of life or death. Weight can fluctuate by several ounces or even a pound overnight. But […]
How Does Exercise Affect Metabolism?
How Does Exercise Affect Metabolism? Your metabolism is like a woodstove. When you put a log on the fire, the fire gets hotter and produces more heat. Once that log is consumed, the fire dies down to just coals until you add another log. Overall when you exercise, your metabolism works harder to provide more […]
Does Drinking More Water Boost Your Metabolism?
Does Drinking More Water Boost Your Metabolism? Sounds crazy but, most studies show drinking water does boost your metabolism but by how much? According to a 2003 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology, participants showed a 30 percent metabolic increase that lasted between 10 and 40 minutes after drinking two cups of water. […]
What Are The Diet Mistakes People Make That Stop Them Losing Weight
What Are The Diet Mistakes People Make That Stop Them Losing Weight Are you dieting but cannot seem to shake off as much weight as you want? Chances are you are probably sabotaging yourself despite your hard work. Making the wrong dieting choices can see you take in more calories than you think. So, what […]
Is Including Fiber in Your Diet Good for Weight Loss?
Is Including Fiber in Your Diet Good for Weight Loss? Making one change to your diet by adding more fiber can be as good for weight loss as a more complicated change of both diet and exercise. According to the results published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the University of Massachusetts Medical School used […]
How To Not Gain Weight After Quitting Smoking
How To Not Gain Weight After Quitting Smoking Reason You Gain Weight a.) Your stomach starts functioning normally, due to the fact that nicotine isn’t suppressing your appetite anymore. Imagine waking up one day eating more than ever, that is what it should feel like. Improved (newfound) sense of taste allowing you to enjoy your […]
Top 5 Foods to Avoid During Family Gatherings
Top 5 Foods to Avoid During Family Gatherings When you begin to think of family gathreing, no doubt your thoughts eventually turn to food. As a big part of the Holiday Celebration, it’s always wonderful to have decadent desserts, treats, sweets, and cookies during this heartfelt vacation. The common belief that no work is done […]