Is Summer The Ideal Time To Set Fitness Goals?
Is Summer The Ideal Time To Set Fitness Goals? Fitness Goals for the Summer If you’re one of the 98 percent of people who fell off the New Year’s resolutions wagon months ago, we have good news for you!! Experts say summer is the ideal time to set fitness goals. It’s the combination of warmer […]
What are the stretching tips for Seniors?
What are the stretching tips for Seniors? As a senior, joint flexibility is one of the keys to living a healthy, active and independent lifestyle for as long as you can. While your joints may have stiffened over the last few years, it is never too late to start a stretching program to get back […]
Strength Training Can Lead to Healthy Bones: Here’s How
Strength Training Can Lead to Healthy Bones: Here’s How People strength train for different reasons: toning muscle, burning fat, losing weight, improving sleep, just to name a few. However, one important reason to get involved in weight training – especially for women – is to build bone density. Bone density loss numbers are staggering. It […]
Why You Need to Stop Doing Exercise You Hate!
Why You Need to Stop Doing Exercise You Hate! Why do you exercise? To look better… to live a longer and healthier…Enjoy the mental clarity and physical energy that exercise delivers? Whatever your reasons for working out, are you doing exercises that you despise? Exercise can be downright fun, so why waste your time performing […]
How Can I Stay Fit If I’m Injured?
How Can I Stay Fit If I’m Injured? First thing, if you get injured, don’t go it alone. Go see your doctor and get the injury evaluated. It might be more serious than you think. By not knowing exactly what was injured and how bad, you risk injuring it again if you start training that […]
A Guide for Seniors Who Want to Get Back Into the Exercise Habit
A Guide for Seniors Who Want to Get Back Into the Exercise Habit The term “senior citizen” can vary in meaning depending on who you’re talking to. Suffice it to say that if you are in your 60s, 70s, or 80s, you have reached a senior position as far as age is concerned. As you […]
What are the Reasons To Exercise After Age 50?
What are the Reasons To Exercise After Age 50? For many, growing older seems to involve an inevitable loss of strength, energy and vigor—but that need not be, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Frailty and decreased energy associated with aging are largely due to muscle loss due to inactivity. And when […]
Is My Blood Pressure Too High?
Is My Blood Pressure Too High? How high is too high where your blood pressure is concerned? Is a blood pressure reading of 135 over 85 healthy, or a cause for alarm? What constitutes good numbers and bad? Are healthy blood pressure readings the same for young and old, male and female, active and sedentary […]
Should You Exercise Late at Night?
Should You Exercise Late at Night? Research in the fitness industry shows that exercising first thing in the morning offers a lot of benefits. It helps you sleep better at night, you will encounter breakfast and lunch already having burned significant calories, and it sharpens the mind so you can focus on the day ahead. […]
How to Increase Your Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption
How to Increase Your Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption Before we talk about how to increase Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), let’s first discuss what it is. Without getting too complicated, it is a physiological effect where the number of calories burned for a period of time after working out is higher than it would be […]